50 x 70 x 2 cm

Acrylic and pastel on Canvas

Artwork description


a foreigner, especially one who is not a naturalized citizen of the country where he or she is living Alien Man is the depiction of the outsider, never belonging. Always being guided by wanting to be different and standing out from the crowd. Always waltzing against the tides. In a mundane world, not being afraid of the extraordinary, embracing it and letting it guide your higher power, for you are energy and energy is you. We come to Earth with the potential of learning how to manipulate energies. Alien man is he who understood that and who wants to become a manifester every single day. For him, there are no limitations and everything is possible. So I wish for you to be an Alien every single day, not limit yourself and believe that possibilities are endless in the field of energy.’

Take a look at him here :

‘ALIEN MAN’ video