Original Painting, Unique piece

Year: 2021

Size: 120 x 160 x 4 cm

Medium: Acrylic, pastel and charcoal on Canvas

Signature: Hand-signed, comes with a Certificate of Authenticity

Price: 7790 Eur

Artwork description

‘Creating from the unknown is the highest form of creation, whether we’re talking about a painting, a life, a dream, a desire. Deep into the meditative state, that’s where she took shape. Her gazing eyes were silently, but firmly telling me she needs to come to life. So I listened. As my brush started to touch the white canvas, I felt a higher power guiding my hands. I felt her energy, such a powerful one. She came to life as a reminder to me that, whatever your struggles are, both from your inner and outer environment, you should always set your intention to bring clarity, presence, knowing into your life and always stand by your faith. Ask the higher power for your energy field in space to be cleared from all noise, distraction and everything standing in the way of you accessing your true self. Always let that divine light inside of you come out. Ask yourself why you’re here. What did you come here to do and who did you come here to be. Let no one and nothing stand in the way of your light and let it shine .’

Take a look at her here :